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Enrichment Classes


Math Magic for Fours and Transitional Kindergarten

This class has a focus on math readiness activities, with an emphasis on fun!  Number recognition, patterning, sequencing, measurement, and graphing are among the skills that we work on through individual and class projects, games, and lots of hands-on fun.  Other math topics could include sets, addition and subtraction, and an introduction to place value.


Science  Enrichment for Fours and Transitional Kindergarten

Welcome to the magical world of science exploration!  This class will be all about problem solving, drawing conclusions, and experimentation with the natural world around us.  Science concepts will cover a broad range of topics, drawing from the children’s interests as the year goes on.  Activities will be hands-on, and lots of fun!


Reading Readiness for Fours and Transitional Kindergarten

Reading Enrichment focuses on letters, language, and beginning reading skills.  Using the “Handwriting Without Tears” program, we will work on letter formation for both upper and lower case letters.  Through games and art activities, phonics lessons will be reinforced.  As the year goes on, we’ll be using these skills to build words, practice rhyming words, and learn some word families.  We’ll make books and projects that we can bring home and read to our families!

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