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2-Year Old Classes
Toddlers are inquisitive and exploratory by nature, striving for independence and autonomy, while insatiably curious. Our 2-year old program celebrates their uniqueness, guiding these newly independent children towards greater self confidence that will lead the way to achieving new skills. Our curriculum includes:​
Language and early literacy:
Follow one-step directions
Listen to a short children’s book
Increase vocabulary and comprehension
Participate in and initiate conversation
Verbally express likes and dislikes
Early math concepts:
Understand concepts such as under/over, inside/outside, on/off, up/down
Describe actions using spatial terms
Understand quantity
Identify one, more than one, less, etc.
Discriminate size
Visual Arts/Music & Gross/Fine Motor:
Investigate the world through the senses
Make deliberate markings and drawings
Move in response to music and rhythm
Experiment with instruments and sounds
Strengthen and refine large/small muscles
Identify body parts
Follow simple safety rules
Appreciate the importance of playing safely
Social & Emotional Development:
Identify emotions by name
Regulate emotions
Develop a sense of self
Make friends and develop positive relationships
Express compassion and empathy
3-Year Old Classes
Preschoolers are active and enthusiastic learners, busily refining and expanding the skills and knowledge they gained in the toddler years. Our 3-year old program guides children on this next step as they develop school readiness and social preparedness. Our curriculum includes:​
Beginning Reading and Writing Skills:
Recognize common phonemes (word sounds)
Discriminate between letter sounds
Recognition of name and letters in name
Appreciate and enjoy children’s books
Understand that printed words and symbols have meaning
Recall and retell a simple story
Use pictures and visual cues to “read” a story
Begin writing or tracing letters of name
Draw pictures with more detail
Use writing to communicate
Math Concepts:
Sort objects by one or more characteristics
Create and follow simple patterns
Understand quantities related to numbers
Identify sets
Count sequentially and identify numbers 1-10
Understand concepts of more/less, longer/shorter, lighter/heavier
Identify shapes
Visual Art/Music & Gross/Fine Motor skills:
Investigate the world through the senses
Make deliberate markings and detailed drawings
Move in response to music and rhythm
Follow directions and actions through music
Experiment with instruments and sounds
Strengthen and refine large/small muscles
Participate in physical activities with peers
Identify body parts
Follow simple safety rules
Appreciate the importance of playing safely
Cutting with scissors
Using a pincer grasp for writing
Social and Emotional Development:
Participate in reciprocal conversation
Recall and follow simple directions
Cooperate and participate in give and take
Demonstrate compassion
Offer and receive emotional support
Practice acceptance and appreciation
Identify and regulate emotions
Make friends and develop positive relationships

4-Year Old & Transitional Kindergarten Classes
Children in our 4-year old and TK classes are enthusiastically advancing their development in exciting and challenging ways. At this age, children are physically and cognitively able to take on more challenges while still engaged in important foundational learning like friendship building and developing a strong self-concept. Our teachers help them to advance skills in all the core academic areas, as well as in other essential areas such social and emotional well-being. Children are exposed to a diverse array of learning activities where they thrive in all areas of development, becoming creative thinkers, complex problem solvers, empathetic collaborators, curious investigators, and astute decision makers. Our curriculum includes:​
Reading and Writing Skills:
Recognize phonemic patterns such as rhyme and alliteration
Select and enjoy age appropriate books
Use language as a means of getting information
Use visual and print clues to “read” a story
Understand concepts and features of print
Identify alphabet letters and sounds
Write first and last names
Attempt spelling using letter sounds and phonemes (TK)
Math Concepts:
Compare and contrast items
Create and follow detailed patterns
Understand segments of time (TK)
Understand positional concepts
Make estimations
Sort objects by one or more characteristics
Demonstrate knowledge of number order
Solve simple number problems
Create and sort by sets
Match sets to the corresponding numerals 1-10
Identify numbers 1-20 (introduce numbers 20-100)
Identify shapes
Visual Art/Music & Gross/Fine Motor skills:
Purposefully choose art tools and materials to achieve a desired outcome
Represent an idea using visual media and materials
Coordinate movement to music
Demonstrate spatial awareness
Develop imaginative movement skills
Plan dramatization with peers
Strengthen and refine large and small muscle skills
Participate in physical activities with peers
Social and Emotional Development:
Use expressive language to describe personal characteristics and feeling
Take pride in ourselves and abilities
Use negotiation and conflict-resolution skills
Demonstrate compassion and empathy
Participate in extended reciprocal conversations
Recall and follow multi step directions
Practice acceptance and appreciation
Identify and regulate emotions
Make friends and develop positive relationships
Independently complete tasks